

Certified Usui Reiki Master

Certified Holy Fire Reiki Master

Soul Language / Light Language Activator

Starseed Intuitive Awakening Mentorship

Mayan Light Language LVL 1

Mayan Light Language LVL 2

Advanced Principles & High Magic

Hello! My Name is Josh and here is a little bit about me!

  • Double Certified Reiki Master (Usui & Holy Fire Reiki)

  • Certified Master Soul/Light Language Activator

  • Master Conductor / Frequency Channeler - My unique abilities allow me to remove ANY Energy and Encode (put in) what IS needed with Light Language.

  • Energy Overseer - I embody decision making between communications of Worlds, Star Beings, Across the Councils and within the programming & encoding of the human vessels (The Mainframe).

  • Contractual Blueprint Examiner - For those who are in spiritual alignment & contracted, I am able to Scan & Read the energetic blueprint of your physical vessel. In doing this I am able to utilize in combination: My unique abilities AND with Light Language Encoding - encode the spiritual contracts here on Earth for the Collective aiding in their Ascension.

  • Catalyst Leader & Mentor - I am actively working to master my unique abilities to aid you in doing the same. I am also developing New Modalities needed here on Earth and am developing classes for existing Modalities & for the New Modalities. I am creating these courses to help Educate Humanity and Activate members of the Collective who are meant to use each Modality personally or to aid others in their Healing.

A Little into My Mission:

  • To Help Humanity In Healing their Hearts

  • To Be a Catalyst Leader & Mentor

  • To Be a Reflector - Reflecting to people the LOVE & DUALITY that is within themselves

  • To Support the Collective in Ascending in its energetic vibration

  • To Assist each person I come into contact with in recognizing the love & authenticity of their own vibration and reminding them of what their vibration gives to Humanity. - Being a Pilar to Others <3 -